Title: Ellray Jakes the Dragon Slayer (EllRay Jakes Series #4), Author: Sally Warner
Title: EllRay Jakes The Recess King!, Author: Sally Warner
Title: EllRay Jakes Is Magic, Author: Sally Warner
Title: Johanna's Eleven, Author: Brian Warner
Title: Christian Discipline and Effective Christian Parenting, Author: Brian Warner
Title: Cape Landscapes: Sir John Herschel's Sketches 1834-1838, Author: Brian Warner
Title: EllRay Jakes Stands Tall, Author: Sally Warner
Title: EllRay Jakes Rocks the Holidays!, Author: Sally Warner
Title: Hoodoo Blues the Role Playing Game, Author: Brian St.Claire-King
Title: EllRay Jakes and the Beanstalk (EllRay Jakes Series #5), Author: Sally Warner